Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hulkamania Tour, Sydney Press Conference

Shown in picture back left Brian Christopher, Jimmy Hart, Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, Shannon Moore, Sags from the Nasty Boys. At table from left Kishi Fatu, Koa-Marie Turner, Brian Knobs of The Nasty Boys, Hulk Hogan; at podium Eric Bischoff. Pictures taken from

I was part of the press conference in Sydney, Au for the Hulkamania Tour. This process conference hit all over the world in news, making Entertainment Tonight, TMZ, and all other news. It started off as a peaceful press conference to promote the tour in Australia and quickly got out of hand with Ric Flair busting Hulk Hogan open. I was shocked and trying to not to get caught in he scuffle.